About the symposium
The Industrial-Port Expertise Center invites you, in collaboration with the Réseau Québec Maritime (RQM), the St. Lawrence Economic Development Corporation (Sodes) and the Institut France-Québec Maritime (IFQM) to contribute to the Enviro-Actions Symposium. This event aims to bring together the scientific, port, maritime and industrial communities as well as government authorities with the aim of presenting and sharing the latest advances in terms of preventive environmental management tools in port zones. In addition, this activity will strengthen the links established and create a place for international exchange to address the major challenges of sustainable development.

Aim of the Symposium
The aim of the Symposium is to enable the sharing of concrete environmental actions implemented or with a view to being implemented in the short term between managers, scientists and participants, in order to provide them with tools to assist in decision-making and environmental management, focusing on sustainable development and responding to the expectations and concerns of the public.
Through the Symposium, sustainable development of port and maritime activities will be a priority. The Symposium will make it possible to transmit concepts aimed at optimal and responsible use of maritime potential, including different tools intended for the management of maritime transport and the preservation of ecosystems from a sustainable development perspective.

The Symposium axes are :
preventive environmental monitoring
environmental conservation and coastal communities’ health
reduction of contaminants at source
innovation and smart ship design
The sessions associated with each axe will present concrete actions carried out in industrial and port zones, with the aim of reducing the impact of human activities on the environment ("Enviro-Actions").
In a context of economic development and diversification of industrial-port zones which are essential to maintaining a stable economy, it is imperative that decision-makers have access to scientific support adapted to the specific needs of these infrastructures and governance structures, ensuring the preservation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, the health of the population as well as the health of workers.
The Symposium will equip participants in their decision-making and management through the research presented during the conferences.
Target customers
The Enviro-Actions Symposium is aimed at managers of industrial and port zones, municipalities, businesses and industries, government, environmental and economic development organizations, as well as the population and citizen groups.
This event is an opportunity for participants to come together and discuss issues related to industrial and port activities as well as the preservation of ecosystems and the health of populations.

An innovative event
The Symposium is an international event focusing on concrete environmental actions, focused on the port and maritime sectors. This meeting will allow participants to discuss current and future environmental themes, during dedicated sessions and meetings throughout the event.
These exchanges will constitute the basis for the writing of a Register of Priority Environmental Actions by INREST, which will be presented to government authorities to advise and support environmental initiatives by 2030.
Contribution to protection
of the environment
The Port of Sept-Îles, host-port of the Symposium and promoter of the event, demonstrated its proactivity with regard to the preservation of ecosystems in industrial-port zones through the implementation of preventive environmental management models. The Sept-Îles port authority and its region have acted as pioneers in environmental management. These methods encourage best practices by providing managers of industrial-port zones with environmental management tools, allowing them to improve the impact of their activities on the ecosystem.
Furthermore, the organizing committee will ensure that actions are put in place to reduce the environmental footprint of the event, such as offsetting greenhouse gas emissions, reducing travel using online tools during committee meetings, redistribution of excess food, etc.